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1131 Ritner Street, Philadelphia, PA 19148
Tel: 215-738-4717 * * Email: [email protected]

68 Mariner Drive, Sewell, NJ 08080
Tel: 856-582-9545 * * Email: [email protected]

To obtain contract for AS/400 Consulting Services

Wide-range AS/400 programming, operational and technical experience, 12+ yr.. on midrange computers.
Casino, Financial and Manufactory background.

March 1998 - Present
Software Problems Corrected, Inc., Philadelphia, PA
Founded a software development/consulting company providing Programming, Operational and Technical services for AS/400 systems.

March 1998 - Present
Eagle Software, Inc., Sicklerville, NJ
Design and development of software, promotion of software changes, consult on installing new software from vendor, produce written documentation describing file layouts, procedures and flow charts. Train end users on new software and operational procedures, application and technical support.

August 1998 - December 1999
First Union National Bank, Philadelphia, PA
Responsible for development of global custom application changes required by the bank for Y2K and SWIFT messages. Designed and developed a software package to archive Eximbills application data base, produced written documentation.

October 1997 - March 1998
Andersen Consulting, Philadelphia, PA
Installation of vendor supplied modifications, and in house developed/modified software. Software design and development, provide written documentation, application and technical support, project management and analysis, software errors and troubleshooting support.

January 1995 - October 1997
Logical Solutions International, Inc., Atco, NJ
Set up SNA AS/400 communications network, produced written documentation to encompass procedural instruction for end-users, designed, developed and maintained software, installed applications and upgrades on site, trained client users on Casino and AS/400 applications, monitored client software levels and coordinated distribution, completed and migrated service requests into production for distribution, consulted business units and clients on set up, provided resolutions to problems, AS/400 security, disaster recovery.

March 1994 - January 1995
Globe Marketing Services, Inc., Palmyra, NJ
Consulted on disaster recovery (led 2 successful disaster recovery tests), system and performance monitoring, AS400/back up procedures and security. Designed and developed programs, files, screens, menus, windows and subfiles, set up clients to send purchase orders and receive advanced shipping notices, collaborated trading partners, user file definitions and translation programs, prepared documentation for user assistance, provided data processing support, on-site support for live implementation.

January 1993 - March 1994
Jones New York, Bristol, PA
Design, development and maintenance of software, promotion of software, coordinate EDI trading partners, produced written documentation, provided AS/400 operation and application support for the business units.

September 1989 - January 1993
Kardon Industries, Inc., Philadelphia, PA
Responsible for coding, testing and maintaining software according to requirements and specifications, daily, weekly and monthly backups and update procedures and provide MIS support for business units.

July 1988 - September 1989
Electronic Data Systems, Corp., Philadelphia, PA
Monitored and controlled system resources on the AS400, ensured completion of nightly processing and report distribution, created monthly work schedules for operators, maintained tape library and off site tape listings, prepared task lists for weekly meetings .

October 1986 - July 1988
J.G. Hook Inc., Philadelphia, PA
Responsible for daily, weekly and monthly backups, nightly processing and report distribution.

Peirce College, Philadelphia, PA.
Computer Learning Center, Philadelphia, PA.

CLP, SQL, RPGII/III, RPG400, OS/2 Warp, Windows 95,98 Client Access, Rumba, Microsoft Word, Word Perfect, PDM, SDA, DDS, SEU, NDM, FTP, QSNADS, Soft landing, Turnover
Entire AS/400 product line, various personal computers, printers and modems.